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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Ciao again friends and family.  Henry and I continue to live the life of Romans - sounds so ancient.  We don't have a chariot and Henry doesn't yet own a Centurion's helmet although that is on his list of things to buy.  I can just see him walking up No. 2 Road in Richmond, on his way to Safeway, with his helmet and sword....hmm.  How about... we are living the life in Roma!

Now, we've rented more than one place through either VRBO or Homeaway successfully but I confess, there are still those niggling moments when I wonder "Will the place really be like it's pictured?"or even worse  "Will it even really exist." ... I am pleased to say, that on both counts, the answer is yes for this rental.  Well, now we know.  This is the real skinny...

The Green door is our front entry at Via Giulia, 179.  To the right, still decorated for Christmas, is a hairdressing shop.  I haven't been there yet but certainly need to.

This is looking to the right as you come out the front door.

Looking to the left as we leave the front entry.  Across the street from us, with the barred windows, is the Accademie d'Ungheria (Hungarian Academy).  According to their website the academy is for the promotion of cultural events. There seems to be some traffic coming and going so something must be going on inside.  The arch is called the Arco di Farnese and was designed by Michelangelo.  It was originally built to enable the Farnese's to cross the Tiber, but was never finished.  Only the portion to cross to the palace across the street (now the Academie d'Ungheria) was ever finished.  The Tiber is just behind the buildings on the right. 

Home at last.  Provisions on hand.  Ho fame - imbatta si in per la cena!  Entrance to the front door to our apartment at via Giulia , 179 (aka Trattoria de la Via Giulia, 179)

Our neighbour's apartment entrance to our left. Note the tall door and entry gate.  For our apartment, the door is about Henry's height.... but we love it and call it il nostro casa.

Entering our apartment - the funny looking contraption is the radiator. 

This is the Fontana del Mascherone (aka Fountain of the Mask).... Looks to me that the fellow is not feeling too well.   Although the guidebooks say that the fountains in Rome are potable - Eugene - this one IS NOT!  When the Farnese's had parties they had wine gushing from the fountain..... sigh..... we're 400 years too late.

A small but efficient kitchen. Water is Rome is very very calcimic (not likely a word but works for me).... what I mean is that there is a lot of calcium in it.  Guidebooks say that what the heck, calcium's good for you isn't it.  It's not too good for the electric kettle.  I thought it was left over boiled milk but not - it had a coating of calcium inside.  We drink bottled water however make coffee and tea and cook with the water from the tap.  If we come home "calcified" so be it.

Dishwasher is sooooo cute. Holds about 2 days worth of dishes and does a great job.  Small wonders.

Looks like a microwave.... but

but really a bread (and pastry) box

And the bidet?  Well it's really a laundry basket.

And the washing machine.  Well believe it or not it's actually a washing machine.  Small you say... well guess what.  It holds (and washes really well) a whole lot of clothes.  I am in seventh heaven.  No dryer but no problemo.  There is a drying line in the shower (forgot to take a picture) with clothespins and all. Doesn't get any better...

This is the entry way and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.  Whole bunch of room  for when you enter and creates a nice space between living and sleeping.  Oh, and as for that sunlight - well a couple of flourescent lamps inserted outside the window does the trick beautifully.  A reviewer did mention the lack of natural light but the lighting is designed so that you FEEL like it's sunlight.  And those lights on the floor... they operate by sensor when you walk by.  Cool eh?

Henry at the office (sans suit)...The flowers were purchased at Campo di Fiori on Friday and today (Wednesday) still beautiful....

So far Life is Good!   Hoping all is well with you and no matter we are enjoying this adventure, always miss family and friends.... Keep in touch and hugs from us.. Ciao for now.