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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our almost daily routine...

They say "When in Rome do as the Romans do" so we do, to a degree.   I've adapted quite well inasmuch as I will not order a Capuccino after 11:30 a.m.  Henry is set in his ways and he orders them at all hours.   I usually drink my coffee with milk and although these appear to have milk, many do not. Espresso is just simply too strong for me.  It matters not, wherever you go there is a coffee bar.  At certain times of the day (early morning and mid afternoon) they are packed to the gills.  Many also offer shots of liquor and even at early morning, we've seen some fellows having a shot.  We usually stand at the counter or if available and not surcharged, sit at a table.  It's quite an enjoyable experience.   I know, we have the same in Canada and the U.S., it's called Starbucks, Tim Hortons or any other number of chain coffee retailers.  One of the main differences is, Italians LOVE to talk and why wouldn't they - their language is so Romantic sounding.  I really wish I could learn it.  If they don't have someone with them to talk to, they talk on their phones or alternatively to themselves!  Not only do they talk, but they talk in loud voices.   Oh how I wish I understood what they were saying - then I'd really have some stories to tell.  The coffee runs anywhere from 1 euro to the high end place, 1 1/2 euros.  

The granddaddy of them all by the looks of the line-ups (bigger than is showing in this particular picture) is Lant Eustachio il caffee.  They have a line of the most adorable espresso pots and although I did take a picture, can't seem to find it right now.  Will post another soon because I believe I'll be going back there to purchase one. Love Love Love them. 

While I'm writing this I'm thinking. I haven't seen a Starbucks anywhere!  Starbucks is everywhere.  I'm going to look it up.  Perhaps they are unadaptable and won't give up their Grande which wouldn't work well with the Italians.... just a sec...

"I'm sorry to tell you that (fortunately on my point of view) starbucks has not yet settled in Italy...cause we have a different way for Coffee, just a quick espresso and that's it!      Simon"

Well, there you have it. Straight from the horse's (er Simon's) mouth.  Precisely the reason I'm writing this blog so I can really explore what is going on around me.  Above quote was found in Trip Advisor (the new Frommers).  I'm thinking though that Starbucks may want to be a little more flexible than Henry. For all the coffee the Italians  drink Starbucks could make a killing if they'd just give up their Grande Vendi $%^&... (I'll never learn Starbuck's ordering protcol and am reminded of that every time I try to order a coffee there and find myself being given a "ordering" lesson.  "Oh, you meant a Medium Grande Vendi Coffee, not a Grande Medium Vendi Coffee".  I leave there every time feeling just a little more insecure.  It sets me back for months with feelings of inadequacy and illiteracy.... oh it's not that kind of blog.

Well friends and family, CIAO for now until we can get together and have a chat over a cup of Jo which we know will be sooner than later....take care, be safe and keep well, Henry and Joanne. 

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