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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Hello from Rome our family and friends.  Ciao!  

It is not my intent to have this blog read as a diary, weather report and record of what we've injested or digested on a daily basis but to be a much more inciteful and informative journal - primarily to force ME to be more observant of my surroundings, help me RETAIN what I've seen and document some of our experiences while on this great journey through life...... ahhhhh Roma, the ETERNAL City.

Having said that, just have to put aside a couple of "housekeeping" items..... I said I would provide more details on our flight last posting.  The reason is........ta da!, for those that don't already know, we were UPgraded by Aeroplan from lesser than human beings to "Business", yes Business CLASS.   How you say?  Was it because Henry is so debonnair (although terribly short tempered today ) and I, it goes without saying (yes, nobody has ever really said it),  am so beautiful and charming?  Not.  As we booked our flights last May I decided in early December to select the best of the worst seats in steerage class.  I called Lufthansa to get their booking number in order to select seats online.  I discovered that one leg of our journey wasn't listed with Lufthansa - theVancouver to Frankfurt flight January 31st.  The reason being was that the flight on the 31st was no longer scheduled.  I contacted Aeroplan to advise and they suggested that I wait before making any changes as they had not yet been advised by Lufthansa of the change.  Joanne - Wait ... hmmm, sort of an oxymoron.. I thought I'd give them two days then would take affirmative action of my own, like change my flight (options were not good - via U.S. through Chicago).  In the winter, are you kidding!  Well as luck would have on the 2nd day we received a voicemail from Aeroplan.  Because of the inconvenience (haha .. we're retired - nothing is inconvenient) they had re-booked us on the January 30th flight however had upgraded us to business class..... just a couple of photos of the flight over....

Quick stop at the Lounge to await our flight.

Lots of leg room here

Fully reclining seats

Overall, flight over not too shabby.  Unfortunately, I was unable to sleep albeit for an hour.  Henry, on the other hand, can fall asleep standing up.  How I envy him.  I watched him snore for hours although he wasn't the loudest cookie in the jar.

Now the bad news - one bag missing when we arrived in Rome.  That in itself wouldn't have been too bad other than Henry couldn't stand still and just wait for me while I went to find our driver who was waiting outside the secured area for us.  I had to get frisked three times going in and out to relay to our driver that I was sorry (he spoke very very little English and I speak even less Italian) but couldn't find Henry and could he please just wait a few more minutes.  Finally third try I found my way to baggage claim (by now I'm really grumpy, have lost my belt and ..... enough said) and found Henry.  He had made arrangements for them to deliver the bag but my preference would have been to wait for it which would be the next flight in an hour.  Off we went - did not get bag until today (Saturday).  What you say was in it?  My toiletries, tops and underwear - perhaps those are non essentials.  I'm used to running around with no underwear and topless (sarcasm).  But also, all our plugs for our electronics.... everything dying on the vine!  Too long a story on the efforts we went to get our bag delivered so I'm going to let it go...... now have bag and am happy as a clam!  Ciao until we next post.    Hope everyone is well and looking forward to hearing from you over the next couple of months.  Henry and Joanne.....

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